EUREKA DEMOCRACY AWARD: 2010 - Margaret Rich
Margaret Rich was Director of Ballarat Fine Art Gallery (1980 - 2003) and she recieved the Eureka Democracy Award for her contribution of conserving the Eureka Flag, developing a Eureka collection and presenting and exhibiting the story of Eureka.
- 1994 – Presented with the Public Records Office of Victoria (PROV Eureka 140 Exhibition – opened by Gough Whitlam
- 1996 – Involved in the video production: Flying the Flag
- 1996 – Acquired the Doudiet Eureka Sketchbook – Raising $245,000
- 1997 – Presented with PROV travelling exhibition Eureka: The First Republic
- 2001 – Acquired State Government funding to give the Eureka Flag its own special room and shrine in the gallery
- 2003 – Acquired Sydney Nolan’s Eureka inspired drawings
- 1998-2002 - Initiated and organized the Eureka Commemoration Dawn Lantern Walks
- 1999 - Founding member of the Ballarat Reform League Inc. dedicated to marking, with memorials, key sites of democratic activism across Victoria’s goldfields